
Research: advancing
the science of
dementia-related care

The Florence Posar Research Division is dedicated to advancing the science of dementia related clinical care and developing systems of care that will translate this expanded body of practical knowledge to the bedside so that it will be of immediate and ongoing impact on patients’ clinical condition and quality of life.

Florence Posar
Research Division

A recently published Foundation-supported research project, conducted in conjunction with GuideStar Eldercare and its corporate skilled nursing facility partners, demonstrated the impact of a neurology-forward care model for achieving antipsychotic medication reduction. Additional research projects are underway, with new work in the pipeline for publication.

The Florence Posar Research Division is positioned to work with researchers, clinicians, and corporate long-term care facility partners on future research projects that can have a timely impact on residents’ quality of life. If you would like to develop a research project with the SLPMD Foundation, please contact us for a research application. A member of the foundation will reach out to you to begin the discovery process.